Admission Procedure

To be eligible for admission to Slí Eile, a person must:

  • Seek admission of their own free will.
  • Be 23 years of age or over.
  • Be resident in either Co. Cork or Co. Kerry.
  • Be registered with a Mental Health Team in either Co. Cork or Co. Kerry.
  • Be compliant with any prescribed medication regime.
  • Be free of active addiction to alcohol or drugs.
  • Be at no significant risk of self-harm.
  • Be of no significant risk to others.
  • Be physically and cognitively able to engage in the different aspects of the Slí Eile programme.

Applicants must provide a letter of referral or a letter of support from their Consultant Psychiatrist. They must also provide a statement of fitness from their General Practitioner.  (Guidelines are available that set out the information that must be included in these letters and statements).  

The admission process includes an initial assessment visit to Sli Eile of around 1½ hours, during which time applicants meet with Slí Eile staff and tenants and view Slí Eile Farm. If it is decided to go ahead following the initial assessment, a 2-week residential trial is arranged to give the applicant an opportunity to experience day-to-day life at Slí Eile. If it is decided to go ahead following the 2-week trial, applicants are offered a tenancy of up to 18-months’ duration.   

Applicants are required to provide photo identification and certain basic information about themselves. They must complete a statement indicating any criminal convictions and/or any incidents of violence, sexual misconduct or addiction. They must also undergo Garda vetting. Applicants must come with any prescribed medications pre-prepared in ‘blister-packs’.

NB It is a requirement that tenants at Slí Eile transfer to the North Cork Mental Health Team within 6 months of commencing their tenancies.